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bell a hollow metal cup, often of bronze, which makes a ringing sound when struck by a hard object such as a clapper. [1/4 definitions]
box2 a hit or blow struck with the hand or fist. [1/6 definitions]
celesta a small keyboard instrument fitted with a set of graduated metal plates that produce bell-like sounds when struck with hammers.
chime (usu. pl.) a set of tuned bells or other resonating objects that produce musical tones when struck. [1/8 definitions]
clang to emit a clear, resonant sound or ring, such as that made when two heavy metal objects are struck together. [1/3 definitions]
clavichord an early soft-toned keyboard instrument, recognized as the forerunner of the piano, with strings that are struck by metal wedges attached to the end of each key.
crash cymbal a cymbal that hangs freely from a stand, such that it is allowed to reverberate after being struck.
cymbal a concave circular percussion instrument of brass or bronze, played either in pairs that are struck together or singly with drumsticks or brushes.
flint a very hard form of quartz that gives off sparks when it is struck by steel. [1/3 definitions]
glockenspiel a percussion instrument composed of a set of graduated metal bars, mounted in a lyre-shaped frame, that are struck with hammers.
gong a large metallic disk that makes a deep resonant sound when struck with a stick or mallet. [1/2 definitions]
high-hat2 a pair of cymbals mounted on a stand and struck together by means of a foot pedal, used esp. by drummers in jazz and rock bands.
kickback an abrupt, usu. backward motion of a machine or tool that has struck something forcefully. [1/2 definitions]
left1 in boxing, a blow struck with the left fist. [1/6 definitions]
marimba a large musical instrument similar to a xylophone, consisting of a series of graduated hardwood bars, usu. with resonators beneath them, that are struck with small mallets.
pall-mall a popular seventeenth-century game in which a boxwood ball was struck with a mallet in order to drive it through an iron ring at the end of a playing alley. [1/2 definitions]
percussion collectively, musical instruments, such as drums or cymbals, that produce sound when struck; percussion instruments. [1/4 definitions]
percussion cap a small metal cap containing gunpowder or other charge that explodes when struck.
percussion instrument a musical instrument, such as a drum, cymbal, xylophone, or piano, in which the sound is produced when some part is struck.
phonolite a fine-grained volcanic rock that rings when it is struck.
piano1 a large keyboard instrument with wire strings that are struck by small hammers attached to the ends of the keys.