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Dictionary Suite
carfare the money that is paid for a ride in a taxi, bus, or subway.
graffito something written, scratched, or drawn on subway cars, buses, or walls in public places.
guideway a travel way designed to support a specific form of transportation such as a subway train or monorail. [1/2 definitions]
local a vehicle of transport such as a bus or subway train that makes stops over short distances and travels within a confined area. (Cf. express.) [1/7 definitions]
metro a subway train or system.
motorman the operator of an electrified vehicle such as a subway train, trolley, streetcar, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
rapid transit a system of metropolitan public transportation, such as a subway, that uses elevated and underground electric trains moving quickly and unimpeded through the city.
subway the British word for a passage or tunnel beneath a road or railway for pedestrians to walk through. This meaning of "subway" has the same meaning as "underpass." [1/2 definitions]
third rail an added rail that carries the electric current in an electric railway or subway.
transit a system for carrying people or goods by vehicle from one place to another. Public buses, trains, and subway trains are all forms of transit. [1/2 definitions]
truck1 a swiveling frame with one or more sets of wheels, placed under each end of a railroad or subway car. [1/8 definitions]
underground the British word for an underground passenger train or rail system in a large city. "Underground" has the same meaning as "subway." [1/6 definitions]