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achieve to be successful or produce results. [1/3 definitions]
ambition a strong desire to reach a set goal or to be generally successful in life, esp. the desire to become famous, wealthy, or powerful. [1/2 definitions]
bandwagon an increasingly popular or successful movement or cause. [1/2 definitions]
banner more successful than usual; outstanding. [1/3 definitions]
big (informal) important, influential, or successful. [1/7 definitions]
break the ice to take successful initial actions. [1/2 definitions]
Catch-22 a situation in which one is trapped between two logically contradictory rules or regulations that make successful action impossible.
clean up (informal) of a sports team, to be very successful in scoring or winning. [1/4 definitions]
climb to strive to become more important, wealthier, or more successful, or to become so. [1/7 definitions]
cope1 to handle or deal with in a successful way (often followed by "with").
counterrevolution a political movement or action that seeks to defeat a successful or attempted revolution.
coup a brilliant and successful action or maneuver. [1/2 definitions]
crown to bring to a successful or triumphant conclusion; complete worthily. [1/21 definitions]
drawback a thing that keeps something from being good or successful; flaw.
effectively in a way that produces a successful result.
fast lane (informal) a lifestyle considered to involve a desire to get ahead, be successful, make and spend a lot of money, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
feedback the opinions, corrections, or comments that are made after being presented with something. Such comments have been asked for by someone who is interested in knowing whether the thing presented is acceptable, helpful, or successful. [1/2 definitions]
fluke2 that which is accidentally successful; stroke of good luck.
foolproof always successful or effective. [1/2 definitions]
high jump a contest in which each person jumps over a bar which is raised after each successful jump.
hit the batter's successful contact with the ball so as to reach a base in a baseball game. [1/9 definitions]