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acetabulum any of the suction cups on the arms of an octopus, or similar appendages, as on leeches or certain fish. [1/2 definitions]
aspirate to remove or draw out by suction, as with an aspirator. [1/5 definitions]
aspirator a device that removes gas or fluids by suction, esp. one used to evacuate a body cavity.
dredge1 any of numerous pieces of equipment used to clear solid matter from the bottom of a body of water, as by a scoop or suction pipe. [1/7 definitions]
dropper a device, usu. consisting of a tube that narrows at one end and a bulb for producing suction at the other, used for taking up a liquid and dispensing it in drops.
gecko any of various small, soft-skinned, insect-eating lizards that have a short body, large head, and suction pads on the feet and are found in tropical and subtropical regions.
liposuction a surgical procedure that uses suction to remove fat from beneath the skin for cosmetic purposes.
pipette a long, narrow, often graduated glass or plastic tube into which small quantities of liquid can be drawn by suction for measurement or transfer. [1/2 definitions]
plumber's helper (informal) a large suction cup on a handle, used to clear drains; plumber's friend; plunger.
plunger a large suction cup with a long handle, used to clear blockages in pipes. [1/3 definitions]
remora any of several ocean fishes with a suction disk on top of the head that allows it to attach to sharks, other sea animals, and ships.
suck to take in by or as though by suction. [3/10 definitions]
sucker someone or something that sucks or that adheres by suction. [1/8 definitions]
suction causing suction. [2/4 definitions]
suctorial developed or adapted for suction or sucking, or having sucking organs.
vacuum a machine for cleaning by means of suction; vacuum cleaner. [1/5 definitions]
vacuum cleaner an electrical appliance that cleans floors, carpets, and the like by suction; vacuum sweeper.