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afflict to cause pain or suffering to.
af flicted suffering from a disease or from harm caused by another.
affliction a condition of pain or suffering, or the cause of such a state.
afflictive marked by or causing pain or suffering.
agony great or intense pain and suffering in the mind or body, usually over a long period of time.
airsick nauseated because of air travel; suffering from airsickness.
alcoholic suffering from alcoholism. [1/2 definitions]
anemic pertaining to or suffering from anemia, a condition resulting from a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin and characterized by weakness, pallor, and difficulty in breathing. [1/2 definitions]
anguish terrible pain or suffering of the mind or body.
anguished feeling or showing great suffering or pain.
anodyne anything that relieves physical or emotional suffering. [2/4 definitions]
asthmatic suffering from asthma. [1/3 definitions]
avenge to inflict punishment or cause suffering as retribution for; take vengeance for. [2 definitions]
bereft suffering the death of a loved one. [1/4 definitions]
bilious suffering from an excess of bile or malfunction of the liver. [1/3 definitions]
bleeding heart one whose sympathies are considered to be too easily aroused or too ostentatiously displayed on behalf of people who are disadvantaged and suffering. [1/2 definitions]
blood money money earned at the cost of the suffering or death of others. [1/3 definitions]
calamity an event causing extreme harm, suffering, or destruction; disaster. [2 definitions]
carsick suffering from motion sickness during car travel.
catastrophe an event that brings great harm, suffering, or loss to a large area or many people; terrible disaster.
catatonic suffering from catatonia. [1/2 definitions]