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afterglow the light, or the impression of light, that lingers after its source or cause is gone, as after a sunset. [1/2 definitions]
day the period between sunrise and sunset. [1/3 definitions]
evening the hours between sunset and bedtime. [1/4 definitions]
evening star a bright planet, esp. Venus, seen in the western sky at or soon after sunset.
night the hours of darkness between sunset and dawn. [1/3 definitions]
nighttime the time between sunset and dawn.
Ramadan the daily fasting from sunrise to sunset during this month. [1/2 definitions]
solar day in law, the period from sunrise to sunset. [1/2 definitions]
summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the day on which the period from sunrise to sunset is longest, usu. June 21.
sundown the time when the sun sinks below the horizon; sunset.
twilight the faint light in the sky when the sun is below the horizon before sunrise and after sunset. [1/2 definitions]
vesper (cap.) the planet seen in the western sky at sunset, esp. Venus; evening star. [1/5 definitions]
winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the day, usu. December 21, on which the period from sunrise to sunset is shortest.
zodiacal light a faint band of illumination along the ecliptic, often visible in the west just after sunset or in the east just before sunrise, that is thought to be caused by the reflection of sunlight from a cloud of particles around the sun.