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Dictionary Suite
abundance a very large amount; plentiful supply.
accumulator an apparatus in a hydraulic or pneumatic system that stores and regulates the supply of fluid that provides pressure in the system. [1/3 definitions]
aerate to supply (the blood) with oxygen by respiration. [1/3 definitions]
argosy an abundant supply or quantity. [1/3 definitions]
arsenal any supply or store. [1/3 definitions]
badge to mark or supply with a badge. [1/3 definitions]
ball cock a device used to regulate the supply of water in a tank or toilet, consisting of a lever connected to a floating ball that shuts a valve when raised and opens it when lowered.
bank2 a supply or store. [1/3 definitions]
biological warfare the use of living organisms such as bacteria or viruses to kill or disable people or destroy their food supply.
boiler a tank used to heat and store a supply of water.
bunker to supply (fuel) to a ship. [1/5 definitions]
buy up to buy all or most of the supply of (something).
capitalize to supply capital for or use capital in, as a business enterprise. [1/4 definitions]
carotid of or pertaining to the arteries on each side of the neck that supply blood to the head. [1/2 definitions]
cater to supply food or service for a special event.
cellarer one who is in charge of the supply of food and drink at a monastery or the like.
charge to supply with power or energy. [1/6 definitions]
circumstantiate to supply circumstances or particulars as evidence, proof, or description of.
cloze of, pertaining to, or being a measure of reading comprehension or language acquisition in which a learner is asked to supply words that are missing from a text. Such words will have been systematically deleted and typically range across various parts of speech. [1/2 definitions]
come across to hand over or supply something that is requested by another (usu. fol. by "with"). [1/3 definitions]
compress a soft pad of gauze or cloth, used to supply moisture, heat, or medication to relieve pain or treat infection. [1/4 definitions]