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Dictionary Suite
assume to suppose (something) to be true without knowing the actual facts; take for granted. [1/3 definitions]
believe to think something and feel some confidence about it; suppose. [1/3 definitions]
daresay suppose or think likely.
deem to consider, suppose, or judge. [2 definitions]
expect (informal) to guess or suppose. [1/5 definitions]
fancy to incline toward believing; suppose. [1/14 definitions]
guess to think or believe; suppose. [1/4 definitions]
imagine to guess; suppose. [1/2 definitions]
presuppose to suppose beforehand; presume. [1/2 definitions]
say to suppose or take as an assumption. [1/16 definitions]
supposedly according to what people say or suppose; allegedly.
surmise to infer without certain knowledge; suppose; guess. [2/3 definitions]
take for to suppose (a person or thing) to be some particular person or thing, often mistakenly, or suppose to be a certain type of person or thing.