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Dictionary Suite
abatement the ending or suppression of a lawsuit, a nuisance, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
choke to cause to stop, esp. by forceful suppression (often fol. by "back" or "off"). [1/9 definitions]
clampdown a strict imposition of authority, rules, limitations, or the like; prohibition or suppression.
fascism (often cap.) a system of government characterized by strong, often dictatorial control of political and economic affairs, and often by warlike nationalism and brutal suppression of political dissidents and ethnic minorities. [1/3 definitions]
hypostasis the suppression or concealment of one gene by another gene that is not its allele. [1/4 definitions]
inhibition the restraint or suppression of a biological process, such as the reduction of a reflex or nervous reaction by some drug. [1/3 definitions]
Stalinism the communist doctrines or policies of Joseph Stalin, esp. those concerned with suppression of dissent and aggressiveness in international affairs.