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bodyboard a buoyant board resembling a very short surfboard with one square end, ridden over surf usu. in a prone or squatting position, and with which a variety of skilled manoeuvres can be performed.
bodysurf to ride on a wave using the body as a surfboard.
sailboard a long board similar to a surfboard but having a sail, used for windsurfing.
surf to ride on the waves of the sea with a surfboard. [1/3 definitions]
surfboarding the sport of riding waves using a surfboard; surfing.
surfing the sport of riding the crests of waves as they break near the shore, usu. on a surfboard.
windsurf to stand on a special surfboard to which a flexible sail is attached and move across the water by manipulating the sail.
windsurfing a sport in which the participant stands on a special kind of surfboard to which a flexible sail is attached and moves across the water by manipulating the sail.