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aeroembolism nitrogen or air bubbles in the bloodstream, caused by severe decompression, surgery, or injury, and resulting in severe pain and sometimes convulsions; bends; decompression sickness; caisson disease.
amputate to cut off, especially by surgery.
amputee a person who has lost all or part of a limb or digit as a result of accident or surgery.
anastomose to connect, either by natural branching growth or by surgery (parts of a blood vessel, nerve, or any branching system).
arthroscopy examination of or minor surgery on a joint using an arthroscope.
azathioprine an immunosuppressive that is administered in transplant surgery to prevent rejection of the new organ.
body part a piece of the human body that has been detached, as by surgery or violence. [1/2 definitions]
colostomy a surgical opening cut into the colon to allow excretion, usu. made when the rectum is blocked or after surgery for colon cancer.
craniotomy the act or process of cutting through the skull, as for brain surgery.
D.D.S. abbreviation of "Doctor of Dental Surgery."
decerebrate to separate the brain from the spinal cord of (a person or animal), as by surgery. [1/3 definitions]
decompression the relieving of excess pressure, as in a body cavity, by surgery. [1/2 definitions]
dissect to cut open or apart (a plant or animal) in order to examine or perform surgery on it. [1/2 definitions]
-ectomy removal by surgery; excision.
electric needle a needle through which electricity runs, used in surgery to cauterize tissue.
ether a liquid that makes a person unable to think, feel, or move. Ether burns easily, has a strong smell, and was once used in medicine to make people unconscious during surgery.
eviscerate of an organ, esp. in the abdomen, to protrude through an incision after surgery, because of improper healing or error in technique. [1/3 definitions]
explore in medicine, to investigate, esp. by surgery, in order to diagnose. [1/4 definitions]
face-lift cosmetic surgery performed to tighten facial tissue and improve appearance by eliminating wrinkles and other signs of aging. [1/2 definitions]
forceps a pair of tongs or pincers used in medical procedures, as to grasp and extract tissue or foreign bodies during surgery.
hepatectomy removal of all or part of the liver by surgery.