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ah a word used to express surprise, understanding, and other feelings.
aha a word used to express feelings like surprise, success, discovery, or satisfaction.
ai1 used as an expression of distress, pity, surprise, or the like.
amaze to surprise very much.
amazement wonder; great surprise.
amazing causing great surprise or wonder.
ambush a surprise attack made from a hidden place. [3 definitions]
astonish to surprise someone very much.
astonishment great surprise or amazement.
astound to cause surprise or wonder; amaze.
astounding causing tremendous surprise or wonder; extremely amazing.
bolt1 to jump or spring up, as with surprise. [1/14 definitions]
bombshell a person or thing that creates a sensation or surprise. [1/2 definitions]
bowl over to overwhelm with surprise; astonish.
boy used to express surprise. [1/2 definitions]
by jingo an exclamation used for emphasis or to express surprise.
by Jove used as an expression of surprise or emphasis.
catch to discover and surprise. [1/4 definitions]
commando a small, specially trained military unit used for surprise assaults on enemy-held territory. [1/2 definitions]
consternation surprise and alarm, leading to panic, deep disappointment, or total confusion.
coup de main blow from the hand (French); a surprise attack or sudden action against an enemy.