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apace at a swift pace; quickly.
blitz a swift military attack from the air or ground. [1/4 definitions]
blow2 to be in swift motion. [1/7 definitions]
careen the act of swaying while in swift forward motion. [1/5 definitions]
chassé a swift gliding dance step to the side or front. [1/2 definitions]
cheetah a very swift, long-legged, leopardlike cat of Africa and southern Asia, sometimes trained for hunting game.
chimney swallow see "chimney swift."
chimney swift a darkish brown American swift that often nests in chimneys.
chop1 to strike or strike at with a strong, swift, downward blow. [1/8 definitions]
corsair a swift ship used for piracy. [1/2 definitions]
corvette a small, swift, lightly armed ship, used esp. as an escort. [1/2 definitions]
deer any of a family of large, swift, hoofed mammals, such as the white-tailed deer or the reindeer, the males of which usu. have antlers that grow and are shed yearly. [1/2 definitions]
fleet2 swift and nimble. [1/5 definitions]
flick a swift, jerky movement. [1/4 definitions]
flush1 to wash out, clean, or empty with a swift gush or flow of water. [1/10 definitions]
flutter to fly with light, swift wing movements or to move the wings lightly and swiftly up and down in flight, as a bird. [1/9 definitions]
galiot a small, swift galley propelled by sails and oars, formerly used on the Mediterranean Sea. [1/2 definitions]
millstream the swift flow of water in a millrace. [1/2 definitions]
peregrine falcon a very swift falcon whose survival was seriously endangered by the pesticide DDT in the 195s and 1960s.
proa a swift, canoe-shaped Malay sailboat with one triangular sail and one outrigger.
prompt swift to answer. [1/4 definitions]