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autonomic nervous system the part of the nervous system in vertebrates that controls involuntary bodily processes, such as the operation of the heart, stomach, and glands; sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems together.
compassionate filled with compassion; consoling; sympathetic.
estrange to cause (someone) to change from friendly and sympathetic to hostile or indifferent; alienate. [1/2 definitions]
fightorflight response activation of the sympathetic nervous system that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event and readies the body for action.
mellow having the self-knowledge, sympathetic wisdom, and resignation that often comes with time or experience; being without anger. [1/6 definitions]
move to cause tender, powerful, or sympathetic feelings in. [1/15 definitions]
noradrenaline a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands and released by the sympathetic nerve endings that triggers the "fight-or-flight response" and is used medically to constrict blood vessels; norepinephrine.
norepinephrine a hormone, secreted by the adrenal glands and released at the sympathetic nerve endings, that triggers the "fight-or-flight response" and is used medically to constrict blood vessels; noradrenaline.
parasympathetic relating to those parts of the autonomic nervous system, found in the middle and back parts of the brain and the lower spinal cord, that oppose the work of the sympathetic system, as in dilating the pupils or slowing the heart beat.
rapport a sympathetic or agreeable relationship; mutual affinity.
relent to become milder, more sympathetic, or more lenient. [1/2 definitions]
sitar a lute of India with a long wide fretted neck, six or seven playing strings, and a number of resonating strings that produce sympathetic vibrations.
soft-hearted having a compassionate and generous spirit; sympathetic.
tender-hearted inclined to feel love, pity, sorrow, or the like; soft-hearted; compassionate; sympathetic.
understand to be sympathetic or tolerant. [1/9 definitions]
understanding sympathetic or tolerant toward the views or behaviors of others; compassionate. [1/9 definitions]
unkind not kind or sympathetic; harsh.
unsympathetic combined form of sympathetic.
warm to become sympathetic or well disposed (often fol. by "to" or "toward"). [1/14 definitions]
well-disposed inclined to be sympathetic, kindly, or amiable. [1/2 definitions]