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Aramaic the Semitic language of ancient Syria, Palestine, and Southwest Asia. [2/3 definitions]
Bedouin any tribe or member of a tribe of Arab nomads living in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, or North Africa. [1/2 definitions]
Damascus the capital of Syria.
Euphrates River a river that flows from eastern Turkey through Syria and Iraq. In southeastern Iraq, it joins the Tigris River and finally empties with it into the Persian Gulf.
Iraq a Middle Eastern country between Syria and Iran.
Jordan a Middle Eastern country between Syria and Saudi Arabia; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. [1/2 definitions]
Levant the lands bordering or near the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, including Turkey, Syria, Israel, and Lebanon (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/2 definitions]
piaster the smaller monetary unit of Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan, and Syria. (Cf. pound.) [1/2 definitions]
pound2 the chief monetary unit of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Sudan, equaling one hundred piasters. [1/4 definitions]
Tigris River a river that begins in eastern Turkey and flows through Syria and Iraq. In southeastern Iraq, the river joins the Euphrates River and eventually empties into the Persian Gulf.
UAR abbreviation of "United Arab Republic," the official name of Egypt and Syria in 1961-71. [1/2 definitions]
United Arab Republic the official name of Egypt and Syria in 1961-71. [1/2 definitions]