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brown sugar unrefined or partially refined sugar whose crystals have kept a thin coating of dark syrup.
candied cooked or coated in or with sugar, honey, or syrup, esp. to glaze, encrust, or preserve. [1/2 definitions]
candy to cook in sugar syrup in order to cover with sugar crystals or a glaze. [1/2 definitions]
caramelize to cook (food containing natural sugar) to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup. [1/2 definitions]
caramelized (of a vegetable or other food containing natural sugar) cooked to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup.
chocolate a candy or syrup made of ground cacao with added sugar. [1/6 definitions]
chocolate milk cow's milk with sweet, chocolate-flavored syrup or chocolate powder added.
compote fruit cooked in syrup and served as a dessert. [1/2 definitions]
electuary a drug mixed with honey, syrup, or the like to form a paste to be smeared on the teeth or gums of a sick animal.
flan a Spanish custard dessert topped with burnt-sugar syrup.
fruit cocktail a mixture of diced fruit, sometimes in a light syrup, served as an appetizer or dessert.
glucose a syrup consisting of dextrose, maltose, dextrine, and water, used in making candy, fermenting alcohol, treating tobacco, and tanning leather; starch syrup. [1/2 definitions]
grenadine2 a red syrup made from the juice of pomegranates or red currants and used in drinks.
maple a tree with hard wood and flat leaves that change color and fall off in autumn. Maple trees produce a sweet liquid that people make into syrup.
maple sugar a sweet, yellowish brown, crystalline substance obtained by fully reducing the syrup made from the sap of maple trees.
maraschino cherry a cherry preserved in a sweet red syrup that is flavored with maraschino.
marron a large European chestnut, esp. one candied or preserved in syrup.
marrons glacés chestnuts glazed or coated with sugar or syrup; candied chestnuts.
marshmallow a spongy confection made of corn syrup, sugar, egg whites, and gelatin. [1/2 definitions]
molasses a thick, sweet dark brown syrup made from sugar cane.
parfait a dessert consisting of layers of ice cream, fruit, and syrup or other flavorings, served in a tall glass. [1/2 definitions]