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dog tag a usu. metal identification tag to be attached to a dog's collar. [2 definitions]
label a slip of paper or cloth tag that bears information as to the contents, destination, owner, or use of something to which it is attached. [1/7 definitions]
license plate a metal tag or plate displayed on a motor vehicle and bearing a registration number that qualifies the vehicle as legal to drive on public highways and roads.
number plate (chiefly British) a metal tag or plate displayed on a motor vehicle and bearing a registration number that qualifies the vehicle as legal to drive on public highways and roads; license plate.
tag1 to put a tag on. [1/3 definitions]
tag2 to touch in the game of tag, or in a similar game. [1/4 definitions]
tagboard a heavy cardboard used for mountings, posters, and the like; oak tag.
tail end the very last part of anything; tag end; conclusion. (See rear end.)
ticket a label or tag, usu. attached, bearing information as to contents, price, or destination, as of a package, shipment, or garment. [2/10 definitions]