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abandon to leave behind with no plan to return or take possession of again; desert. [1/3 definitions]
abolish to take out of existence. [1/2 definitions]
absent to take (oneself) away. [1/4 definitions]
absorb to take in liquid through the surface.
abstain to choose not to take part in a decision. [1/2 definitions]
accept to take when given; receive willingly. [1/4 definitions]
acrobat a person who can do physical acts that take balance and skill.
administer to manage, take care of, or be in charge of. [1/3 definitions]
adopt to take on and use as one's own. [1/3 definitions]
adventure to take the risk. [1/5 definitions]
adventurous willing to take risks in order to find excitement; daring. [1/2 definitions]
aircraft carrier a very large ship with a flat deck on which airplanes can take off and land.
airfield a level surface, usu. with one or more paved runways, on which aircraft land and take off; airport.
airport a large area of level land where airplanes can land and take off.
airstrip a landing strip or cleared area where aircraft land or take off; runway. An airstrip usually is not paved and does not have the workers or equipment of an airport.
allow for to take into consideration; make provision for.
ally to take part in an alliance. [1/5 definitions]
alternate to take turns (usually followed by "with"). [1/7 definitions]
antacid a substance people take to settle an upset stomach. Antacids work by reducing the strength of the acids that cause the upset.
appropriate to take for one's own, often without permission. [1/3 definitions]
ASPCA abbreviation of "American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals," a national organization whose purpose is to take care of lost or stray dogs, cats, and other small animals. This organization tries to find people to adopt these animals as pets.