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adopt to take on and use as one's own. [1/3 definitions]
assume to take on as one's own duty, job, or appearance; adopt. [1/3 definitions]
available qualified and willing to serve, take part in something, or take on a responsibility. [1/2 definitions]
bat1 to take one's turn in baseball as a batter. [1/3 definitions]
be used to introduce a command to act in a specified way, take on a specified characteristic, or to become a specified thing or person. [1/10 definitions]
bend to cause to take on a curved or angled form, or a different form. [2/5 definitions]
can-do reflecting an eagerness to take on something combined with the belief in one's ability to accomplish it.
catch-up any attempt to overtake one who is ahead, as in a game.
community college a small college that serves a community. Most courses of study at a community college take one or two years.
curl to take on the shape of a coil or ring. [1/6 definitions]
exchange to give and take on an equal basis. [1/7 definitions]
gain to take on as an increase. [1/7 definitions]
godparent an adult who promises at a child's baptism to take on certain responsibilities for the child.
hire to take on as a worker for money or other reward. [1/3 definitions]
jell of plans, ideas, or the like, to take on a definite form; crystallize. [2/5 definitions]
jinn a supernatural being of Muslim legends that can take on the appearance of a person or animal and help or harm people; jinni; genie.
lade to take on a load, as of cargo. [1/6 definitions]
liquid a form of matter that flows easily and is neither a solid nor a gas. Liquid can take on the shape of any container it is poured into. Water that is neither vapor nor ice is a liquid. [1/2 definitions]
load of an airplane or other vehicle of transport, to take on passengers. [2/8 definitions]
mushroom to take on the shape of a mushroom, esp. as a cloud from a nuclear explosion. [1/7 definitions]
organize to take on form or structure. [1/6 definitions]