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aim to point carefully (usu. a weapon), with the intention of hitting a target. [1/8 definitions]
airstrike an attack by air forces or other military aviation against a ground or naval target.
air-to-air of a missile or the like, designed to be shot by an aircraft at an aerial target.
ballistic missile a long-range missile that reaches its target by falling freely at extremely high speed along a precalculated trajectory.
bomb a metal shell filled with explosives. A bomb destroys a target by being thrown at or dropped on it. [1/4 definitions]
bowls a game played on a smooth lawn, in which the players roll wooden balls as close as possible to a smaller target ball; lawn bowling.
bull's-eye the center of a round target, usually marked with a small circle. [2 definitions]
butt2 a person, group, or thing that is the target of ridicule or criticism. [2/5 definitions]
clay pigeon a clay disk used as a target in trapshooting.
dart (plural, but used with a singular verb) a game in which these objects are thrown at a target. [1/4 definitions]
dive bomber a fighter-bomber designed to drop its bombs while diving toward the target.
downrange in the direction of the point taken as target, away from the launch site, on a missile test range.
dumdum a bullet designed to cause serious damage by expanding as it hits the target.
enfilade gunfire directed along the entire length of a military target, such as a line of soldiers. [2/3 definitions]
feint a false movement that is meant to trick an opponent by taking attention away from the real target. [2 definitions]
flyby a flight over or close to a designated point, area, or target by an aircraft or spacecraft for the purpose of making aerial observations.
grenade a small missile thrown or shot from a rifle-mounted launcher at a target after being primed to explode. [2 definitions]
guided missile a missile that can be guided throughout its flight until it reaches its target.
home of missiles or rockets, to proceed automatically toward a target. [2/16 definitions]
homing involved or concerned with guidance to a target or destination. [1/2 definitions]
kamikaze in the Japanese armed forces during World War II, a pilot whose mission was to crash his airplane against the target as a suicide bomb.