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absent-minded tending to not pay attention to a task or event because one is thinking about other things.
a hard row to hoe a very difficult task or situation.
a long row to hoe a very difficult task or situation.
apparatus tools or equipment made for a particular task.
appointee a person appointed to fill an office or position or to perform an assigned task.
assign to give as a task. [1/3 definitions]
assignment an assigned task, such as a job or lesson. [1/3 definitions]
block a state of being unable to perform a certain task. [1/19 definitions]
breeze (informal) a simple or quickly finished task. [1/3 definitions]
bungle to perform a task badly and incompetently. [2/3 definitions]
carry out to go through the steps of (something) and bring to completion; do (a task, experiment, study, or the like). [1/3 definitions]
challenge an interesting or difficult problem or task. [1/6 definitions]
chore a routine task around the house or yard. [2 definitions]
come forward to present oneself to the police or other authority and offer evidence, or to offer oneself as a volunteer for a task.
commission an order giving permission to perform a certain task. [3/7 definitions]
complete finished or concluded, as a task. [1/6 definitions]
confidential having the task of keeping another's affairs private. [1/3 definitions]
constitute to appoint to a special task or office. [1/3 definitions]
detail an assignment to a certain task. [1/8 definitions]
duty a particular task or function one is required to perform. [1/4 definitions]
efficiency the quick, accurate performance of a task, or the ability to so perform. [1/3 definitions]