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antitax combined form of tax.
assess to estimate the value of (something) for tax purposes; value. [2/3 definitions]
assessment the amount of a tax, fine, or the like that is assessed. [1/3 definitions]
assessor one who assesses for tax purposes. [1/2 definitions]
Boston Tea Party a protest by colonial Americans against the British tax on imported tea in which colonists disguised as Indians boarded ships in Boston Harbor and dumped several hundred chests of tea overboard on the night of December 16, 1773.
bracket creep (informal) an increase in income leading to one's placement in a higher tax bracket, sometimes resulting in a net decrease in income as a result of higher tax rates and inflation.
capitation a per capita tax or fee; poll tax.
cash register a business machine, equipped with one or more drawers for storing bills and coins, that records, displays, and keeps a running total of sales and tax receipts, used esp. in retail stores.
custom (plural but used with a singular verb) a tax collected on products brought into a country from another country. [1/4 definitions]
death tax see "inheritance tax."
delinquent not paid on time, as an account, tax, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
depreciate to lower the cost or value of, esp. of property for tax purposes, or of money. [1/3 definitions]
depreciation an allowance made for this decrease in accounting or for tax purposes. [1/4 definitions]
direct tax a tax collected by the government directly from the person who must pay it, such as income tax or property tax.
duty a tax on things that people bring into a country if they bought them in another country. [1/3 definitions]
duty-free exempt from a duty or tax.
estreat to collect as a fine or tax. [1/3 definitions]
excise1 a tax levied on the manufacture or sale of certain goods within a nation or state. [3 definitions]
exemption in U.S. taxation, a deduction from one's tax liability for each person one supports financially. [1/2 definitions]
Federal Insurance Contributions Act a federal tax law requiring employers to withhold a certain amount from employees' paychecks or wages for deposit in governmental accounts that fund Social Security. (abbr.: FICA)
FICA acronym of "Federal Insurance Contributions Act," a federal tax law requiring employers to withhold a certain amount from employees' paychecks or wages for deposit in governmental accounts that fund Social Security.