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Boston Tea Party a protest by colonial Americans against the British tax on imported tea in which colonists disguised as Indians boarded ships in Boston Harbor and dumped several hundred chests of tea overboard on the night of December 16, 1773.
brew (chiefly British; informal) a quantity of tea for drinking. [1/9 definitions]
caddy1 a small box or similar container, as for tea or pencils.
caffeine a substance in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some other foods. Caffeine can make your heart beat fast and keep you awake.
cambric tea a drink of hot water, milk, sugar, and a little tea, usu. given to children.
continental breakfast a light breakfast, usu. consisting of rolls or pastries and coffee or tea, like that eaten in most European countries.
creamer a white liquid manufactured to taste and look similar to natural cream, used especially in coffee or tea. [1/2 definitions]
cup a small, wide-mouthed container used for drinking such things as coffee or tea. [1/7 definitions]
cuppa (chiefly British; informal) cup of tea.
Darjeeling a variety of black tea grown in the mountainous region around Darjeeling, India.
green tea tea made from leaves that were not allowed to ferment before being heated.
herbal tea a beverage or health tonic made from steeping dried herbs in boiling water and served in a similar manner to tea made with tea leaves. Herbal tea may also be made with added dried fruit and spice and generally does not contain caffeine.
indirect object the part of a sentence that indicates a person or thing that is indirectly affected by the action of the verb. In the sentence, "I made him some tea," "him" is the indirect object.
kettle a kettle with a spout used to make and then pour tea or other hot drinks. [1/2 definitions]
Lapsang of or designating a variety of Chinese tea with a smoky flavor.
oolong a dark tea of China and Taiwan that is partly fermented before it is dried.
orange pekoe a black tea of India or Sri Lanka.
pekoe a superior grade of black tea made from young leaves.
plantation a large farm or estate used for cultivating commercial crops such as rubber, tea, cotton, or coffee. [1/3 definitions]
samovar a metal urn with an internal heating device and a spigot used esp. in Russia and other parts of the former Soviet Union to heat water for tea.
souchong a black tea from China and nearby areas.