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badinage to joke with or tease in a lighthearted way. [1/2 definitions]
bullfight a public show held in an arena in which performers first tease and tire out a bull, and then one person using a cape to draw the bull near tries to kill it with a sword. Bullfighting is popular in Spain and Mexico.
dally to tease or toy with. [1/4 definitions]
devil to annoy, pester, or tease. [1/8 definitions]
fool to pretend; tease. [1/6 definitions]
josh (informal) to make fun of or tease, but in a gentle and kind way. [1/2 definitions]
kid2 (informal) to joke or tease. [1/2 definitions]
needle (informal) to tease, annoy or make angry. [1/6 definitions]
poke fun at to tease.
put-on (informal) a deception done to amuse or tease; hoax. [1/3 definitions]
rag2 (informal) to tease or scold.
rally2 to tease good-naturedly. [1/2 definitions]
rib2 to make good-hearted fun of (someone); tease; kid.
sarcastic using harsh or bitter words that are meant to hurt, tease, or make fun of another person.
shit (slang) to tease or try to deceive. [1/11 definitions]
sport to tease or mock someone. [1/10 definitions]
tantalize to tease or torment with the sight or prospect of something desirable but unattainable.
taunt to make fun of, tease, or challenge using mean language.
teaser one who teases, esp. sexually; tease. [1/2 definitions]
tickle to tease, excite, or fill with pleasure. [1/6 definitions]
torment to annoy, tease, or cause to feel worry. [1/3 definitions]