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altazimuth a telescope or other instrument that moves in altitude (up and down) and in azimuth (back and forth).
binary star two stars orbiting around a common center of gravity and often appearing as one to the unaided sight or through a telescope; double star.
collimate to accurately adjust the line of sight of (an optical instrument such as a telescope). [1/2 definitions]
collimator a small telescope that is fixed to a larger one and is used to align it accurately. [1/2 definitions]
equatorial a telescope mounted on two axes, one parallel to and one perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation. [1/3 definitions]
eyeglass an eyepiece, as on a microscope or telescope. [1/4 definitions]
eyepiece the lens or lenses in an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope, through which one views the object or image under scrutiny.
field glass (usu. pl.) a compact, portable binocular telescope used esp. outdoors.
lens a number of such pieces connected together in a camera or telescope. [1/3 definitions]
magnification the power or extent of magnifying, as of a telescope or microscope. [1/2 definitions]
reflecting telescope an optical telescope that uses mirrors rather than lenses to focus light rays. (Cf. refracting telescope.)
reflector a reflecting telescope. (Cf. refractor.) [1/2 definitions]
refracting telescope an optical telescope that uses lenses rather than mirrors to focus light rays. (Cf. reflecting telescope.)
refractor a refracting telescope. (Cf. reflector.) [1/2 definitions]
scope a telescope, microscope, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
sight a device on a gun or telescope that is used to aim. [1/7 definitions]
speculum one of the mirrors in a reflecting telescope or other optical instrument. [1/3 definitions]
spyglass a small hand-held telescope.
surveyor's level an instrument for measuring elevation, consisting of a tripod on which are mounted a horizontally revolving telescope and a spirit level.
telescope to slide or force together (the tubes of a hand telescope or the like), often in sections that fit inside one another. [1/7 definitions]
telescopic of or relating to a telescope. [2/4 definitions]