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albacore a variety of tuna found in warm to temperate waters, and often canned for human consumption.
almond a tree of the rose family that is native to warm temperate regions, closely related to the cherry. [1/6 definitions]
beech a deciduous tree of temperate regions that has smooth gray bark and bears small, edible nuts. [1/2 definitions]
bluefish a blue-colored game and food fish found in temperate Atlantic waters of the North and South American coast. [1/2 definitions]
clement not very hot, cold, or stormy; mild; temperate. [1/2 definitions]
great white shark any of the family of large predatory fishes of the world's temperate coastal regions that has a white underbelly, multiple rows of rotating teeth, and an average size of 13 feet (4 m.) in length and 4000 pounds (1814 kg.) in weight.
maple any of numerous related deciduous hardwood trees found in temperate zones, cultivated as ornamentals or for their wood or sweet sap. [1/2 definitions]
moderate calm or mild; temperate. [1/9 definitions]
mullet any of several related food fish of both salt and fresh water in tropical and temperate zones, with a usu. gray, nearly cylindrical body.
poppy any of several related plants grown in temperate climates that bear brightly colored flowers in red, orange, yellow, purple, or white. [1/3 definitions]
smilax any of various climbing vines and shrubs of tropical and temperate climates. [1/2 definitions]
sober habitually abstaining from alcoholic drinks; temperate. [1/6 definitions]
stilt a wading bird with long legs and a long slender bill that lives in marshes and ponds in the temperate regions of North and South America. [1/3 definitions]
subtemperate of, designating, or occurring in the colder regions of the temperate zones.
Temperate Zone either of two zones or areas of the earth between the tropics and the polar circles, characterized by seasonal climatic changes; North Temperate Zone; South Temperate Zone.
zone any of the five areas of the earth's surface, marked by latitude lines, and named according to the region's temperature. There are two frigid zones, two temperate zones, and one torrid zone. [1/3 definitions]