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bean sprout a young, tender shoot, as of the soybean or mung bean, used as a garnish, in salads, and the like.
Bibb lettuce a variety of lettuce with a small round head of loose, tender, dark green leaves.
châteaubriand an esp. thick and tender center cut of beef tenderloin, usu. served with a sauce.
cockboat a small rowboat, esp. a ship's tender.
cuddle to hold and hug in a tender and loving way.
fond having or expressing tender or loving feelings. [1/2 definitions]
fondle to touch or stroke in a tender way.
fondness tender affection. [1/3 definitions]
gentle possessing a kind or generous disposition; tender; sweet. [1/7 definitions]
love tender and passionate affection for another person. [2/12 definitions]
medium (of meat) cooked to a moderate degree so that the inside is somewhat tender but retains only a little original color. [1/11 definitions]
milkfed of an animal, fed on milk or milk products in order to obtain tender meat.
monetize to make legal for use as money; establish as legal tender. [1/2 definitions]
mother1 to care for and nurture, especially in a tender or excessive way. [1/9 definitions]
move to cause to have tender or powerful feelings. [1/11 definitions]
paper money currency in paper form, such as a dollar bill or bank note, that is issued by a government or its banks as legal tender.
pathetic arousing feelings of pity, sorrow, or tender concern. [1/2 definitions]
proffer to propose or tender; offer. [1/2 definitions]
quick the tender and sensitive flesh, esp. under the fingernails. [1/10 definitions]
salmon any of various edible saltwater fishes with tender, pinkish flesh that are related to trout, inhabit waters in the north, and characteristically swim up streams to spawn in fresh water. [1/2 definitions]
sentimental causing or showing tender feelings.