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Dictionary Suite
acid test a stringent, crucial, or definitive test of value or quality.
adjective a word that describes a noun or pronoun. In the sentence, "It was a hard test," the word "hard" is an adjective. It describes the noun "test."
amenable capable of or open to a test or judgment. [1/3 definitions]
aptitude test a test intended to measure the probable ability of an untrained person to perform well in a particular job or course of study.
assay to try out or test. [1/8 definitions]
audition to test by an audition. [1/3 definitions]
Binet-Simon scale a series of tests graded according to the mental abilities at different ages of the average population, esp. children, with which the abilities of the individual test-taker can be compared.
blockhouse a structure used to protect people who are working on or watching a rocket launch or weapons test. [1/2 definitions]
blood test any test of the blood, as to determine type, red or white blood count, or the presence of antibodies or bacteria.
challenging constituting a test of one's skill, strength, or ability. [1/2 definitions]
check a test or search to make sure that something is correct or in order. [1/11 definitions]
check-box a small empty square printed next to an item on a form, test, or list, to be filled in with a check or other mark to indicate choice or completion. [1/2 definitions]
cloze a cloze test, exercise, or procedure. [1/2 definitions]
criterion a standard or test by which to judge or decide.
crucible any extremely trying experience or test. [1/2 definitions]
dare to try to get someone to do something as a test of courage.
downrange in the direction of the point taken as target, away from the launch site, on a missile test range.
drug test a test of the body to discover if a person is using drugs that are illegal.
dry run any rehearsal or test performance. [1/2 definitions]
empiric one who believes that practical experience is the only test of the validity of knowledge.
enduro a long race or contest, as for motorcycles or automobiles, that is designed to test endurance.