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aqua regia a volatile, corrosive mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, used for dissolving gold and platinum and for testing metals.
beta a version of software that is still undergoing development and testing, which in turn is facilitated by feedback from users. [1/3 definitions]
bleeder one who draws blood from another, as for medical testing. [1/3 definitions]
blockhouse a heavily built structure used to protect observers, military personnel, and the like during weapons and rocketry testing. [1/3 definitions]
blood work the medical analysis of blood as carried out by medical professionals; blood testing. [1/2 definitions]
double-blind of or designating a method of testing in which both the experimenter and the subjects are ignorant of which subjects are receiving the active treatment.
eye exam an examination and testing of the eyes' health and vision by an eye doctor or an optometrist, esp. one determining the type and strength of corrective lenses that are needed.
flight-test to fly (an aircraft or rocket) or launch (a missile) for testing purposes.
inkblot any of a group of silhouettes resembling such spots, used in psychological testing. (See Rorschach test.) [1/2 definitions]
ipsative using a person's own assessment of his or her qualities, knowledge, or skills rather than using testing measures that allow comparison of an individual with others or with a set standard. (Cf. normative.)
mockup a model, often full-sized, built for display, study, or testing.
moment of truth any critical or decisive moment of testing, encounter, discovery, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
novice a new member of a religious order who is undergoing a period of testing before taking vows. [1/2 definitions]
oligonucleotide a short molecule of DNA or RNA that is synthetically manufactured for research, genetic testing, or forensic analysis.
proof the act or process of testing for truth or quality. [2/13 definitions]
prove to measure the quality of by testing or demonstrating. [1/5 definitions]
proving ground a place, basis, or occasion for testing a theory, device, or the like.
refraction the ability of the eye to bend light rays so as to form an image on the retina, or the testing of this ability, as by an optometrist. [1/2 definitions]
science systematic observation and testing of natural phenomena in a search for general laws and conclusive evidence. [1/3 definitions]
scientific requiring or demonstrating systematic knowledge and skills, exactness in observation and testing, and keen but dispassionate interest in the truths of nature. [1/2 definitions]
shakedown a process or period of preliminary testing, as of a new machine or system. [2/4 definitions]