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abridged having been shortened without removing the most essential contents; condensed.
anthropocentric assuming man to be the most important purpose or being of the universe. [1/2 definitions]
atomic mass unit a unit equal to one twelfth of the mass of an atom of the most abundant kind of carbon, equal to 1.6605 times 1024 gram.
basalt a dense, fine-grained, dark-colored igneous rock created by lava flow that is rich in minerals containing magnesium and iron. The most common igneous rock on the Earth's surface due to its high abundance on the ocean floor.
beeline the most direct course, usu. traveled quickly.
belle a popular and admired woman, usu. young and often considered the most outstanding beauty at a social event or in a social circle.
best with the highest excellence or to the most satisfactory degree. [2/11 definitions]
brain (pl.) the most intelligent person of a group, or the primary strategist or planner of something that requires careful thought. [1/5 definitions]
cakewalk a high-strutting, marchlike dance done in competition for the prize of a cake, awarded to the most intricate or unusual performance. [1/5 definitions]
Cenozoic of, relating to, or designating the most recent geological era that includes the present and began approximately 70 million years ago, when many mammals appeared, the modern continents took shape, and glacial ice formed. [1/2 definitions]
characterize to describe (someone or something) in terms of what one considers to be the most distinguishing feature or features; ascribe certain characteristics to. [1/2 definitions]
Christendom the parts of the world where Christianity is the most common religion. [1/2 definitions]
dead the most intensely dark or cold period. [1/16 definitions]
deep the most intense period. [1/13 definitions]
ease out to cause (someone) to resign in the most gentle or persuasive way possible and without publicizing the fact.
emphasis the most important part; focus of interest or concern. [1/4 definitions]
epilimnion the layer of the water of a lake, above the thermocline, that is warmest and contains the most oxygen. (Cf. hypolimnion.)
essentially at the core; when the most important part is considered.
Euphrates a river that flows from eastern Turkey south to join the Tigris in a valley in which some of the most ancient civilizations developed.
extreme at the most distant point or outer limit of. [1/7 definitions]
favorite a competitor thought to be the most likely winner. [1/3 definitions]