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consistency the thickness, firmness, stiffness, or density. [1/2 definitions]
double-knit a fabric, usu. synthetic, knit on a machine with two sets of needles so that, as the two single-knit fabrics are produced, they are also woven together to form a double thickness. [1/2 definitions]
ga. abbreviation of "gauge," a standard of measuring, as for the distance between railroad tracks, the thickness of wire, or the inner diameter of shotgun barrels.
gauge a standard of measuring, as for the distance between railroad tracks or the thickness of wire. [1/6 definitions]
layer a thickness of something that is spread over a surface. [2/3 definitions]
micrometer screw a very finely threaded screw that is used in micrometers to give extremely fine measurements, esp. of thickness.
screed a strip of wood, metal, or the like used as a guide to the thickness of plaster or cement to be applied to a wall or pavement. [1/2 definitions]
taper a gradual decrease in width, thickness, strength, or the like. [1/7 definitions]
thin having little thickness from one side of a surface to the other. [1/10 definitions]
tuque in Canada, a knitted winter cap resembling a stocking cap of double thickness.
wall an upright structure with a height much greater than its thickness, used for separation, protection, or enclosure. [1/8 definitions]
wire gauge a gauge calibrated for determining the diameter of wire or thickness of sheet metal.