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accept to think of as true or correct. [1/4 definitions]
conceive to be able to think of. [1/4 definitions]
connect to think of as related; associate. [1/3 definitions]
consider to think of as. [1/3 definitions]
invent to think of and make something that has never been made before by anyone.
lay1 to think of or come up with. [1/6 definitions]
nonplus to cause (someone) to be unable to think of what to say, do, or decide; perplex; bewilder. [1/2 definitions]
original able to think of new ideas. [1/6 definitions]
plan to develop or think of a way to do (something). [1/4 definitions]
regard to think of someone or something in a certain way. [1/2 definitions]
scorn to think of or treat with derision or contempt. [1/5 definitions]
supernaturalize to make, think of, or treat (something) as supernatural.
suppose to imagine or think of something as a possibility. [1/2 definitions]
thing that which people speak of, think of, or do. [1/2 definitions]
treat to deal with or think of in a particular way. [1/9 definitions]
um used to express that one is thinking or considering, and, often, to give oneself more time before speaking, as when trying to think of an answer to a question or when trying to make a decision.
value to think of as important or valuable. [1/5 definitions]