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Dictionary Suite
anatomy a detailed or thorough analysis. [1/4 definitions]
bird's-eye as seen from high above; covering a wide span but not detailed or thorough. [1/4 definitions]
ceremony thorough adherence to formality or custom. [1/4 definitions]
checklist a thorough or complete list of items compiled for checking or other reference purposes.
close careful or thorough. [1/14 definitions]
complete perfect or thorough; total. [1/6 definitions]
deliberate to think about an issue or question in a careful and thorough way, sometimes by discussing them with others. [1/3 definitions]
dissection a thorough analysis, part by part. [1/2 definitions]
divorce a complete and thorough separation. [1/5 definitions]
examination the act or result of close inspection or thorough evaluation. [1/3 definitions]
examine to look at in a close, thorough way.
excruciating extremely intense or thorough. [1/2 definitions]
exhaustive thorough and all-encompassing. [1/2 definitions]
extensive thorough or full. [1/3 definitions]
first aid emergency medical treatment for injury or sudden illness, administered before regular medical care or more thorough treatment can be obtained.
flat-out absolute; thorough; complete. [1/3 definitions]
fully in a way that is complete, entire, or thorough; totally. [1/2 definitions]
going-over a thorough inspection. [1/2 definitions]
good thorough. [1/25 definitions]
grand tour any thorough or comprehensive study, survey, or journey. [1/2 definitions]
holocaust an extensive or thorough destruction or devastation, esp. by fire. [1/3 definitions]