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abominate (informal) to dislike thoroughly. [1/2 definitions]
altogether thoroughly; totally. [1/3 definitions]
analysis careful scrutiny of constituent parts in order to thoroughly understand the whole. [1/4 definitions]
backward and forward in depth; completely; thoroughly.
blend to combine (two or more components) so thoroughly as to be unrecognizable in the resulting mixture. [1/9 definitions]
canvass to discuss or debate (an issue, question, or the like) thoroughly. [2/8 definitions]
cleanup a process of making thoroughly clean, socially acceptable, or free from imperfection.
cross-examine to question thoroughly and insistently, often for the purpose of comparing responses with those of earlier questioning. [1/2 definitions]
deliberate to consider issues or matters carefully and thoroughly, sometimes through discussion with others. [1/5 definitions]
detailed providing a good deal of information including small, but often important, pieces of information; thoroughly treated or described. [1/2 definitions]
dotty1 thoroughly infatuated. [1/4 definitions]
doughy not thoroughly baked. [1/2 definitions]
downright thoroughly; completely. [1/3 definitions]
enlarge to express oneself more thoroughly or in greater detail. [1/5 definitions]
examine to inspect or evaluate thoroughly. [1/4 definitions]
exhaust to treat or study thoroughly, in every detail. [1/11 definitions]
from A to Z from beginning to end; completely; thoroughly.
fully thoroughly or completely; totally. [1/2 definitions]
hash1 (informal) to review or consider thoroughly (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/6 definitions]
hash out (informal) to review or consider thoroughly.
have (something) down pat (informal) to have learned something thoroughly.