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Ariadne Cretan princess, daughter of King Minos, who gave Theseus the thread that enabled him to find his way out of the Labyrinth.
basting the long loose stitches or the thread used to baste. [1/2 definitions]
bobbin a spool on which thread or yarn is wound for use in sewing or weaving.
bride2 a loop or tie of thread that joins decorative patterns in embroidery or needlework.
burl a lump or slub in fabric, thread, or yarn. [1/3 definitions]
capillaceous resembling a hair or thread. [1/2 definitions]
catgut a thin, strong cord made of twisted, dried animal intestines, esp. those of sheep, and used for the strings of tennis rackets and certain musical instruments, and as surgical thread.
chenille a woven fabric containing chenille thread or cord, used in rugs and bedspreads or in clothing. [1/2 definitions]
clew ball of thread or yarn. [1/7 definitions]
cop3 a cone-shaped mass of thread wound on a spindle.
cotton thread or cloth made from this plant. [3/2 definitions]
crochet needlework made with a hooked needle that pulls the thread or yarn in a pattern of connected loops. [2 definitions]
darn1 to mend by weaving thread or yarn over a hole in cloth.
dental floss a strong thread, covered with wax, used for removing food from between the teeth.
dimity a sheer fabric, usu. of cotton, woven with a fine stripe or check of heavier thread.
distaff a staff with one cleft end to hold the material from which thread is drawn in spinning by hand or on a spinning wheel. [1/3 definitions]
eyehole a small hole, as in a needle, that receives thread or other material; eyelet. [1/2 definitions]
eyelet a small hole in cloth or leather with bound or covered edges. An eyelet is used to pass cord or thread through, fasten hooks into, or serve as decoration.
fiber a small, thin structure like a thread that can be found in plants, animals, or minerals.
filament a fine thread, wire, or fiber. [1/2 definitions]
finespun spun or drawn out to a fine thread, as fabric or glass; delicate. [1/2 definitions]