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A2 abbreviation of "ampere" or "amperes," a unit of electrical current that refers to the quantity of current that passes through a resistor of one ohm when a potential of one volt is applied, equal to one coulomb per second.
AA abbreviation of "Alcoholics Anonymous," a world-wide recovery program for alcoholics, administered through chapters.
abrasive causing or tending to cause offense or irritation through harshness or insensitivity. [1/3 definitions]
absorb to take in liquid through the surface.
accelerator in nuclear physics, a device that creates high-energy particles by acceleration through electrostatic or electromagnetic means, used for research. [1/3 definitions]
accomplish to successfully reach or get through. [1/2 definitions]
accordion a musical instrument with a keyboard that is small enough to carry. An accordion is played by pressing the keys and squeezing the bellows to force air through metal reeds.
account an arrangement with a store or other business wherein a customer is given certain advantages or access to special services, typically in return for the customer supplying certain information and, often, permitting various forms of advertising through mail, email, or other form of communication. [1/16 definitions]
accustom to cause (oneself or another) to become used to something through use or experience. habituate.
achieve to reach or carry through successfully; accomplish. [1/3 definitions]
achievement something achieved through hard work, courage, or skill. [1/2 definitions]
acquire to gain, esp. through one's own efforts or dealings. [1/2 definitions]
acquired immune deficiency syndrome a serious viral disease of the body's immune system, transferred through blood, sexual contact, contaminated hypodermic needles, or the like; AIDS.
active in grammar, designating the voice or form of a verb whose subject acts through the verb, rather than being the object of the verb's action, such as "signed" in "Five petitioners signed the document". (Cf. passive.) [1/7 definitions]
activism the belief in or practice of trying to make social or political changes through active, militant, or demonstrative involvement, esp. in particular issues.
Adar the sixth month of the Jewish lunisolar calendar, occurring from late February through early March in the Gregorian calendar.
adenosine an organic compound that is made up of adenine and ribose and found in nucleic acids, and that may be obtained as a white crystalline powder through the hydrolysis of yeast.
adventurer one who seeks fortune through risky or brave actions; soldier of fortune. [1/3 definitions]
aerodynamic of a contour or surface, offering the minimum of resistance when moving through air. [1/2 definitions]
aerodynamics (used with a sing. verb) a science that deals with the dynamics of air and other gases and with the forces acting on objects that move through them.
agitprop inflammatory political propaganda spread through literature, theater, music, and art, esp. as used in support of communism.