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Dictionary Suite
heat lightning lightning without thunder, seen esp. on hot evenings and believed to be reflections of more distant lightning.
Indra the Hindu god of rain and thunder, and the chief Vedic deity.
peal a loud prolonged noise, as of thunder, laughter, or applause. [1/5 definitions]
roll to make a sound like thunder. [1/18 definitions]
rumble to make or emit a low, heavy, continuous sound, as of distant thunder. [2/8 definitions]
sound effects artificially produced sounds, as of thunder, traffic, or animal noise, for theater, radio, film, or television.
storm a violent disturbance in the atmosphere that brings rain, snow, wind, thunder, or lightning. [2/5 definitions]
Thor in Scandinavian mythology, the god of thunder, who rides a wagon drawn by goats and is armed with a hammer.
thunder the loud cracking noise or low distant rumble that follows a flash of lightning. Thunder is caused by the violent movement of air masses. [3/5 definitions]
thunderbird in the mythology of some North American Indians, a giant bird that causes lightning, thunder, and rain.
thunderbolt a bolt of lightning accompanied by thunder. [1/2 definitions]
thunderclap a single loud clap of thunder, or a similar sound.
thundercloud a large, dark storm cloud that makes lightning and thunder. Thunderclouds are charged with electricity.
thunderous producing a sound of or like thunder.
thundershower a brief shower of rain accompanied by lightning and thunder.
thunderstorm a storm with thunder, lightning, rain, and wind.
thundery accompanied with, indicating, or sounding like thunder; thunderous.
zeugma a rhetorical construction in which one word, usu. an adjective or verb, modifies or governs two or more words, although it makes straightforward logical sense with only one, as in "loud thunder and lightning".