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acrogen a plant that produces no flower and grows only from the tip of the stem, such as a fern or moss.
Alexandria a city in Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the tip of the Nile delta. Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great.
apex the highest point; tip.
apical in phonetics, of or pertaining to consonants articulated with the tip of the tongue, such as "t" or "d". [1/2 definitions]
arum any of a family of plants, such as jack-in-the-pulpit, with arrow-shaped leaves and bearing a flower, at the tip of a long spike, that is enclosed by a hoodlike leaf. [1/2 definitions]
asparagus a plant related to the lily, whose young shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The shoots are shaped like spears with scaly leaves at the tip.
awn in botany, any of the thin bristles found at the tip of some leaves, esp. those of grasses.
baksheesh in several Near Eastern countries, a gift of money; tip.
ballpoint a pen that has a small ball in its tip. The ball moves the ink from the pen to the paper.
Bermuda Triangle an area of ocean associated with unsolved mysteries, whose perimeter is marked by an imaginary line that connects Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the southern tip of Florida.
blacksnake a long, heavy, tapering whip of braided rawhide or leather with a snapper at the tip. [1/2 definitions]
bluepoint a small oyster found mostly in beds near the eastern tip of Long Island.
bug an insect with front wings that are thick at the base and thin at the tip. There are many kinds of bugs. All have mouths made for sucking, and most feed on plants. [1/6 definitions]
Cape of Good Hope a cape on the Atlantic at the southern tip of Africa.
Chicago a city in the U.S. state of Illinois. It is near the southern tip of Lake Michigan.
cock2 to tip to one side or turn up; tilt.
conidium in fungi, an asexual spore formed at the tip of a specialized structure.
corn silk the long silky part of the pistil of the corn plant, lying between the rows of kernels and extending beyond the tip of the ear.
cue2 a long, thin stick with a narrow tip, used to hit the ball in the game of pool or billiards.
doff to tip or remove (one's hat) in greeting or acknowledgment. [1/3 definitions]
épée a fencing sword having a three-sided blade and a blunt circular tip guard.