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abscess a collection of pus in body tissue, usu. surrounded by an inflamed area. [1/2 definitions]
acupressure a medical technique that seeks to stop bleeding by placing needles in the tissue next to a bleeding vessel. [1/2 definitions]
adenoid (usually plural) a mass of tissue that grows behind the nose in the upper part of the throat. When swollen, the adenoids can make breathing difficult.
allograft a tissue graft in which the donor and recipient are of the same species but are genetically different.
amphioxus a tiny fishlike marine organism characterized by a primitive vertebra and dorsal nerve tissue; lancelet.
amyloid a result of the degeneration of body tissue, occurring in the form of a hard waxy protein deposit. [1/3 definitions]
aplasia incomplete or faulty development of an organ or tissue.
aplastic pertaining to the incomplete or faulty development of an organ or tissue.
appendix a short, closed tube of tissue that grows out of the large intestine. The appendix is on the right side of the lower abdomen. [1/2 definitions]
areola a small space between cells and fibers in connective tissue, as among small veins in a leaf. [1/2 definitions]
asbestosis a chronic lung disease marked by thickening and scarring of the lung tissue that is caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos.
assimilation in biology, the process by which foods or nutrients taken into the organism are transformed into living tissue. [1/3 definitions]
astringent a substance or drug that contracts body tissue and slows discharge or secretion. [1/4 definitions]
basophil a tissue, substance, or cell, esp. a white blood cell, that readily takes on basic dyes.
bast the strong fibrous outer layer of certain plant stems, such as flax or hemp, consisting of phloem tissue, and used in manufacturing cordage or woven goods. [2 definitions]
biopsy the cutting of tissue from an animal or person for study, esp. in seeking evidence of disease.
blastema an undifferentiated or primitive mass of cells, as in an embryo or regenerating organ, that is capable of becoming organized into a specific tissue or organ.
body all the physical material that makes up a person or animal, including limbs, organs, tissue, and other parts. [1/5 definitions]
bone the hard tissue that forms the skeleton of a person or animal. [1/2 definitions]
bone marrow the the soft fatty tissue at the core of most bones, where many types of blood cells form and mature before entering the blood stream.
bull nose a contagious disease in pigs caused by a bacterial infection and marked by a kind of swelling in the snout and mouth that destroys tissue.