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antitobacco combined form of tobacco.
ashtray a container for tobacco ashes.
benzoic acid a white crystalline powder used as a preservative and antiseptic in perfumes and flavorings, in synthesizing dyes, and to season tobacco.
brier2 a shrub of southern Europe. The brier's woody root is used in making tobacco pipes.
brierroot the woody root of the brier or other woods used to make tobacco pipes. [2 definitions]
burley (often cap.) a low-nicotine, light-colored tobacco grown chiefly in Kentucky.
calumet a long-stemmed, decorated tobacco pipe used by North American Indians in ceremonies, esp. promoting peace and friendship; peace pipe.
chew something for chewing, esp. a plug of tobacco. [1/6 definitions]
cigar a thin, tight roll of tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
cigarette a short, narrow tube of thin paper that contains cut tobacco for smoking.
cold turkey (informal) abrupt and total withdrawal from using an addictive substance such as a drug or tobacco. [1/3 definitions]
corncob a tobacco pipe having a bowl made by hollowing out a dried section of a corncob; corncob pipe. [1/2 definitions]
corncob pipe a tobacco pipe with a bowl made of a hollow, dried corncob.
cure the act or a method of preserving food, tobacco, or the like, as by salting, smoking, or drying. [3/7 definitions]
dottle the residue of partially burnt tobacco or ash left in a pipe bowl after smoking.
Dutchman's-pipe a hardy climbing vine having curved leaves and bearing brownish or purplish flowers resembling a tobacco pipe.
glucose a syrup consisting of dextrose, maltose, dextrine, and water, used in making candy, fermenting alcohol, treating tobacco, and tanning leather; starch syrup. [1/2 definitions]
humidor a container or room used to store cigars or tobacco at the proper level of humidity.
Indian pipe an almost leafless waxy white plant, related to heath, that lives on decayed organic matter, bears a single white flower on each stalk, and looks like a tobacco pipe.
inhale to draw tobacco smoke into the lungs while smoking. [1/3 definitions]
kinnikinick a mixture of dried leaves, bark, and sometimes tobacco, formerly smoked by American Indians and pioneers.