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anal-retentive in psychoanalysis, having or showing unusual obstinacy, frugality, or an excessive concern with trivial details that supposedly results from conflict over toilet training in childhood. [1/2 definitions]
ball cock a device used to regulate the supply of water in a tank or toilet, consisting of a lever connected to a floating ball that shuts a valve when raised and opens it when lowered.
bathroom a room with a toilet and often a sink or bathtub.
bedpan a shallow pan used as a toilet by a person who cannot get out of bed.
bowl1 the rounded, dishlike part of something, as of a spoon, sink, or toilet. [1/6 definitions]
chamber pot a small, portable, pot-shaped receptacle for urine and other waste, usu. kept in a bedroom, esp. one that is some distance from a toilet.
comfort station a public toilet or lavatory.
commode a toilet. [1/3 definitions]
float a hollow ball used to operate a valve or gauge, as in a toilet tank or gas tank. [1/14 definitions]
flush1 to be cleaned or emptied by a gush or flow of water, as a toilet. [1/10 definitions]
go to the bathroom (informal; polite) to use a toilet, or to relieve oneself without a toilet.
head the toilet on a boat or ship. [1/19 definitions]
John (usually l.c., informal) a room with a toilet. [1/5 definitions]
latrine a toilet for use by many, with or without plumbing, as in a camp or a military barracks or bivouac.
lavatory a room provided with washing and often toilet facilities. [2/3 definitions]
loo an informal British word for a toilet or a room with a toilet.
men's room a room in a public place where men and boys can use a sink and toilet.
musette bag a small leather or canvas bag for toilet articles, carried by a shoulder strap.
outhouse a small shed used for an outdoor toilet.
potty a removable pot that fits under a small open seat, used in the toilet training of a child. [2 definitions]
privy an outside toilet enclosed in a small structure. [1/2 definitions]