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Apollyon according to the Book of Revelation, a destroying angel who is the king of the evil spirits that will torture those who do not bear the seal of God when the earth is destroyed; Abaddon.
brainwash to alter a person's ideas or beliefs by forceful means such as physical torture or psychological stress. [1/4 definitions]
iron maiden a medieval instrument of torture consisting of a coffinlike case in which a victim was impaled on spikes.
rack1 in the past, a machine used for torture. A rack slowly stretched a person's body and caused terrible pain. [2/4 definitions]
self-torture combined form of torture.
terrorism the use of violence, torture, or physical intimidation by a group or organization as a means of forcing others to satisfy its demands.
terrorist one who uses violence, torture, or physical intimidation to achieve one's ends, esp. one's political ends. [1/2 definitions]
thumbscrew (often pl.) formerly, an instrument of torture that exerted painful pressure on the thumb. [1/2 definitions]
water torture a form of torture involving the incessant dripping of water on the forehead of an immobilized victim.