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chaffer to toss words about; chatter. [1/4 definitions]
chuck1 to throw or toss. [2/5 definitions]
dash to throw or toss with great force so as to break. [1/8 definitions]
flip1 to toss with a quick, sharp movement. [1/6 definitions]
hopscotch a children's game in which players toss a stone onto a pattern of numbered squares drawn on the ground. The players then hop or jump from square to square, picking up the stone as they move.
horseshoe (plural but used with a singular verb) a game in which players toss horseshoes at a stake some distance away. [1/2 definitions]
mumbletypeg a children's game in which the players toss a knife in various prescribed ways, trying to stick the blade in the ground, with the loser having to withdraw a peg from the ground with his or her teeth.
overhand a stroke or toss performed with the forearm and elbow raised. [1/4 definitions]
pitch1 to throw or toss. [1/11 definitions]
quoit (pl., used with a sing. verb) a game in which players try to toss metal or rope rings over or near a distant short metal stake. [1/2 definitions]
scatter to toss here and there. [1/3 definitions]
shy2 to throw with a sudden sideways toss. [1/2 definitions]
tumble to put or toss together in a disorderly or haphazard manner. [2/16 definitions]