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Dictionary Suite
tee1 something that is T-shaped, such as a type of pipe joint or a tow bar for pulling skiers uphill. [1/2 definitions]
tow2 made of tow, as cloth. [1/3 definitions]
towhead a whitish blond head of hair resembling tow. [1/2 definitions]
towrope a rope, cable, or the like, used to tow boats; towline.
tow truck a truck that can lift another car or truck partly off the ground and pull it along behind itself. If a vehicle breaks down or is left in an illegal place, a tow truck may come and take it away.
tug to tow (a larger boat) with a tugboat. [1/9 definitions]
tugboat a small but powerful boat used to guide, push, or tow larger vessels, esp. into and out of harbors.
wrecker a truck equipped to tow wrecked or disabled vehicles; tow truck. [1/3 definitions]