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aflatoxin any of a group of toxic compounds produced by certain molds, esp. those in the genus Aspergillus. Consumption of food contaminated with these molds can cause liver disease and cancer.
Agent Orange an extremely toxic defoliant widely used by U.S. armed forces during the Vietnam War and now believed to cause cancer and birth defects.
antibody a protein in blood that reacts to particular toxic substances by neutralizing or destroying them. Antibodies provide immunity against these toxic substances.
atropine a toxic extract of belladonna used to control spasms and pain and to enlarge the pupils of the eye.
autointoxication in pathology, poisoning caused by toxic substances that have developed within the body itself, as in the intestines during digestion; autotoxemia.
bloodroot a North American spring wildflower that bears a single white flower and has a fleshy red root that yields a toxic red sap.
bromine a chemical element of the halogen group that has thirty-five protons in each nucleus, occurring as a toxic, volatile, dark reddish brown liquid or in various compounds such as acids and salts. (symbol: Br)
chemotherapy the science or practice of destroying disease-causing microorganisms or malignant tissue by use of chemicals, esp. toxic ones.
chlordane a colorless, toxic liquid hydrocarbon used as an insecticide.
chlorine a chemical element of the halogen group that has seventeen protons in each nucleus, occurs naturally only in compounds such as sodium chloride and chloroform, and can be isolated in pure form as a toxic yellow-green gas. (symbol: Cl) [1/2 definitions]
cytotoxic toxic to cells.
detox detoxification, as from a toxic or addictive substance. [1/3 definitions]
dose the amount of radiation or other toxic entity administered to or absorbed by a living organism. [1/6 definitions]
dump to throw away or unload unwanted things, such as garbage or toxic waste. [1/10 definitions]
effluent sewage or other liquid waste, esp. toxic waste, that flows into a body of water such as a river or lake. [1/3 definitions]
fluorine an extremely reactive chemical element of the halogen group that has nine protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds such as fluoride salts, but that can be isolated in pure form as a yellowish, highly toxic gas. (symbol: F)
lewisite a highly toxic, odorless compound that causes severe blistering, used in chemical warfare.
methotrexate A toxic analog of folate that is used as a chemotherapy agent, an immune system suppressant, and an abortifacient.
mimic octopus a type of brown octopus that lives along the shallow muddy bottoms of river mouths off the coast of Southeast Asia that has the capability of mimicking toxic species, such as sole, lionfish, and seasnake.
neurotoxin a substance that is toxic to nerve cells or nerve tissue.
nitrobenzene a toxic liquid or crystalline compound, used to make aniline, insulating materials, and solvents.