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botulin a toxin produced by the bacteria botulinus, and which causes botulism.
botulinum a spore-forming bacterium (Clostridium botulinum) that produces botulin toxin under anaerobic conditions.
botulism an often lethal disease of the nervous system caused by ingesting even small amounts of the toxin botulin, produced by a bacterium that grows in poorly preserved or spoiled foods.
ergot the grainlike masses produced by the ergot fungus, or the toxin they contain, which causes circulatory arrest in humans. [2/3 definitions]
toxic of, pertaining to, or resulting from a toxin or other poison. [1/2 definitions]
toxoid a toxin, used in immunization, that has been rendered nontoxic by chemical or physical means but that retains its capacity to stimulate the production of antibodies.