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Dictionary Suite
back road a road that avoids traffic and high speed travel. It is often a small, country road that goes through areas with few houses and buildings.
back up of traffic, to become so slow that vehicles form long lines behind each other with little space between each vehicle. [2/8 definitions]
blinker a flashing light, esp. one used on a vehicle to indicate the direction of a turn, or one used as a traffic signal. [1/2 definitions]
blockade the shutting off of traffic into and out of a place. Military forces do this to seaports or cities during wars. [1/2 definitions]
bumper-to-bumper of automobile traffic, closely packed and usu. slow-moving.
control tower a tower at an airport. Air traffic is directed by radios in the control tower.
crawl to move very slowly or with frequent stops, as a vehicle in heavy traffic. [1/7 definitions]
crossing guard a person who directs traffic and helps children to cross the streets around a school.
dual carriageway (chiefly British) a highway divided by a strip of land, with two lanes on either side used by traffic moving in opposite directions; divided highway.
elevated railway a railway that is elevated on a framework, permitting ground traffic to circulate beneath it.
exit ramp a short roadway that angles or curves off from a major highway, allowing cars to exit the highway without stopping or slowing traffic.
expressway a highway with many lanes and few stops that lets traffic move quickly.
freeway a long, wide public road with no stop signs or traffic lights. Vehicles may travel at high speeds on freeways.
gatekeeper a person who supervises the passage of traffic through a gate.
green light the green-colored light that signifies that oncoming traffic has the right of way. [1/2 definitions]
gridlock a traffic jam in which no vehicles can move in any direction because key streets are blocked by traffic.
interchange a highway juncture in which different road levels are used to permit vehicles to move from one road to another without disturbing the flow of traffic. [1/5 definitions]
jaywalk to walk across a street in a place or at a time that is against traffic laws.
lane a marked route for traffic going in one direction, as for a line of cars on a highway or for a single swimmer or runner in a race. [1/4 definitions]
limited jurisdiction the authority of a court to hear and decide only certain types of cases, such as those regarding bankruptcy, traffic violations, or family disputes.
live load any variable weight added to the intrinsic weight of a structure, such as people in a building or moving traffic on a bridge. (Cf. dead load.)