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academy a private school or a school that offers special training.
anal-retentive in psychoanalysis, having or showing unusual obstinacy, frugality, or an excessive concern with trivial details that supposedly results from conflict over toilet training in childhood. [1/2 definitions]
arsenal a building used for the training of soldiers. [1/3 definitions]
boot camp a military installation at which U.S. Navy or Marine recruits receive basic training.
breeding one's upbringing or training, esp. relating to social conduct. [1/3 definitions]
cadet a student in a military school; person training to be a military officer.
camp1 a preseason training period for sports teams. [1/9 definitions]
civilize to bring education and training to, especially in the arts, science, and government.
classroom a room where classes are held in a college, school, or training facility.
coach to give training or direction to. [1/8 definitions]
common sense practical judgment based on experience or native intelligence, and not on education or training.
conditioned characterized by predictable actions that are the result of training or conditioning processes; reflex. [1/3 definitions]
culture a developed state of refinement through experience or training in the arts and worldly affairs. [2/8 definitions]
disciplinary of or related to discipline, training, or punishment.
discipline training of the body or mind to behave in a certain way. [4/2 definitions]
disciplined exercising control over one's self and behavior, particularly in the form of regimens of work, training, and the like. [2 definitions]
dressage the practice or methodology of training horses, esp. to obey and execute certain complicated movements.
drill1 a learning or training method in which an action or item is repeated over and over. [1/4 definitions]
educate to give knowledge or understanding of something through teaching or training.
educated marked by qualities that indicate knowledge, training, and culture. [1/3 definitions]
education the act or work of learning or training. [1/2 definitions]