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Dictionary Suite
beacon a radar or radio transmitter that emits radio waves at fixed intervals to provide navigational guidance. [1/7 definitions]
cell phone a telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cell phone can be taken with one anywhere but may not function if it is too far away from a radio transmitter to receive signals.
cellular phone a mobile telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A cellular phone is part of a system composed of many low-power radio transmitters located in "cells" across a region and will receive a radio signal from whichever transmitter in the system is closest; cell phone; mobile phone.
ham2 a licensed amateur operator of a radio transmitter. [1/3 definitions]
handset a telephone with the receiver and transmitter contained in a single hand-held unit.
lead-in the section of a radio or television antenna that connects to the transmitter or receiver. [1/3 definitions]
mobile a telephone that operates using radio signals and therefore requires no wires. A mobile can be taken with one anywhere but may not function if it is too far away from a radio transmitter to receive signals. "Mobile" has the same meaning as "cell phone." [1/3 definitions]
modem an electronic apparatus that enables data to be processed for transmission from or into a computer by use of telephone or other transmitter.
transmission the sending of radio waves from a transmitter to a receiving station; broadcast. [1/4 definitions]