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air travel or transportation by aircraft. [1/8 definitions]
airlift the systematic transportation of people or supplies by air when ground routes are impossible or dangerous to use, esp. in a battle zone or during an emergency. [1/2 definitions]
airline a system of transportation that allows people to fly from one place to another, or a business that owns and operates the equipment to do this.
air traffic movement of airplanes and other air transportation vehicles through the air or on runways.
bicycle rickshaw a type of transportation originating in Asia, having three wheels and two passenger seats, and powered by a person pedaling; pedicab; cycle rickshaw.
board to get into or on something that is used for transportation. [1/3 definitions]
bus1 a large motor vehicle with many seats, usu. used for public transportation. [1/3 definitions]
busing in the United States, the transportation of school children in buses to schools that are not the nearest to their homes, esp. in order to achieve racial balance.
cab1 a horse-drawn carriage used for public transportation. [1/3 definitions]
cable railway a system of transportation in which enclosed passenger cars, pulled by a continuously moving underground cable, roll along rails.
cadge to cajole others into providing one's meals, lodging, or transportation. [1/2 definitions]
canal a channel of water made by humans for boat transportation or for bringing water to crops. [1/2 definitions]
caravansary an inn, esp. in the Middle East, with a large courtyard for the animals used as transportation in a caravan. [1/2 definitions]
carfare the amount charged for public transportation, as on a city bus.
change to transfer to a different conveyance or mode of transportation. [1/18 definitions]
charter of a vehicle or type of transportation, available or hired by contract. [1/7 definitions]
cycle rickshaw a type of transportation originating in Asia, having three wheels and two passenger seats, and powered by a person pedaling; pedicab; bicycle rickshaw.
deadhead (informal) a person who uses a free ticket for transportation, admission, or the like; nonpaying customer. [1/5 definitions]
dispatcher a person who supervises the departure of vehicles for a transportation company. [1/2 definitions]
express of transportation, making few or no stops before reaching an intended place; rapid. [1/5 definitions]
fare the price paid to ride on commercial transportation, such as a bus, train, or airplane, or a passenger paying such a charge. [1/5 definitions]